Salisbury Radiology Group offers a high quality service for the investigation and treatment of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disease.

Dr Roger Frost and Dr Shaun McGee are highly experienced Consultant Radiologists who work closely with the local Consultant Gastroenterologists, liver specialists and colorectal services as part of the local and regional multidisciplinary team meetings covering both cancer and non-cancer work.

Our Consultant Radiologists provide expert diagnostic services in liver, biliary and bowel imaging using Ultrasound, CT, MRI and fluoroscopy, and are supported closely by our specialist team of Consultant Interventional Radiologists.


Abdominal pain

Liver disease

Biliary disease


Pancreatic disease

Abdominal hernias




Abdominal pain

Change in bowel habit

Suspected abdominal cancer


Cancer of the biliary system

Liver cancer


CT Colonography

Suspected bowel cancer

Suspected bowel polyps

Polyp screening


Liver disease

Pancreatic disease

Biliary disease

MRCP – Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography

Crohn’s disease – MRI enterography

Rectal cancer staging

Pelvic floor disorders – including fistula/abscess

Contrast studies

Investigation of swallowing disorders

Investigation of bowel strictures

Investigation of bowel leaks

Gastrointestinal Intervention

Naso-gastric tube insertion

Naso-jejunal tube insertion

Gastrostomy insertion

Image guided biopsy

Image guided drainage

Oesophageal dilatation

Oesophageal stenting

Biliary stenting

Colonic stenting